Monday, January 30, 2006

Girls’ Night On," an open-mike performance night by and for women only, at Makor in NYC, Wed., Feb. 1!

Thanks to Esther for posting this on Jewlicious. I originally read about this event in Hadassah Magazine (thanks to my mother for making me a life member), and have already discussed a possible dance performance ("Ki V'Simcha") with organizer Leslie Ginsparg via e-mail. So if you're of the female variety, live and/or work within hailing distance of Manhattan, and want proof that a middle-aged mom can move, come on over and join the fun as I celebrate my 57th birthday in fine company.

Wed, February 1st
An open mike night for women, by women.
Act, sing, dance, play, read, joke, filibuster or come watch.
Sorry guys, this event is only open to those with two X chromosomes…
Doors open at 7:30. Event begins at 8:00pm.
35 West 67th Street
Admission: $10
For more info: call Leslie at 212-865-0085 or visit (and tell her you heard about it from Esther at Jewlicious!)


Blogger Unknown said...

57?! You're kidding right????

I feel bad I live in western PA now!

Happy Birthday anyway!

Wed Feb 01, 11:02:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Z, the way I see it, being 57 sure beats the alternative--I'd rather get older than be six feet under and pushin' up daisies.

Thanks for the birthday wishes. :)

Fri Feb 03, 12:19:00 AM 2006  

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